Recent highlights
North Aurora Lions in the Community

Lions Lynn Miller, Doug Botkin, and Derek Barton presented a check for $4,800 from the North Aurora Lions Club to North Aurora EMS for new winter coats.
Do YOU Want To Be A Lion?

Are you community-spirited? Are you interested in working to improve your community and the world?
Membership in the North Aurora Lions Club is perfect for you. You can develop friendships that last a lifetime, gain valuable leadership skills and be an advocate for causes that impact lives here at home and across the world.
Volunteering requires only passion and positivity!
For more information, please contact any member or stop in at one of our monthly meetings. (Info below!)
Monthly Meeting Information

The North Aurora Lions Club meets at 7PM on the second Tuesday of each month at Messenger Public Library. In person and virtual options are available.
Guests, even virtual guests, are welcome!
Want to know what we do? Why we do it? How we do it? Log in for a meeting and find out. We welcome and encourage anyone interested in Lions Club to attend.
We hope to see you there!